[Empirical Era]
- This covered the time period from the 1920's to the 1940's (great depression).
- Established identity as a psychological science by merging vocational guidance and intelligence testing.
- Tests that focused on aptitude, abilities, and interest were developed and used.
- 1927, E.K. Strong published the first edition of the Strong Interest Inventory.
- 1930's, Minnesota Mechanical Ability Tests were published.
- Minnesota Employment Stabilization Research Institute was established.
- 1933, Wagner-Peyser Act: U.S Employment Service
- WWII- Many psychologists used tests for personnel classification.
- Army General Classification Test.
- Matching men to jobs approach transformed into Trait and Factor Theory.
- Helpful Link
- https://search-proquest-com.iris.etsu.edu:3443/career/docview/219386837/fulltextPDF/2EDBC8D98F6247ABPQ/2?accountid=10771
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