[Observational Era]
- Covered a period of time from the late 1800's to the mid-1920's.
- Rapid industrial growth, social protest/reform, utopian idealism, the Progressive Movement.
- Practitioners at this time used phrenology, physiognomy, and palmistry for vocational guidance work. (Were discredited due to more scientific approaches)
- During this era sponsorships such as Young Men's Christian Association and Lysander Richards provided vocational guidance to people.
- Frank Parsons: "visionary and architect of vocational guidance"
- Opened the Vocational Bureau in settlement home called the Civic Service House. (Used vocational guidance term for the first time)
- 3 step approach that depended on self-analysis, intuition on behalf of counselor, and physiognomic observations.
- His methods involved 7 steps (pp. 23)
- Mental tests rapidly spread in the 1910's
- First large-scale administration (Army Alpha and Beta tests)
- James Cotell, Hugo Munsterburg, and H.L. Hollinworth among those to advocate for use of these tests.
- Helpful Link
- https://search-proquest-com.iris.etsu.edu:3443/career/docview/219386837/fulltextPDF/2EDBC8D98F6247ABPQ/2?accountid=10771
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